Update: SEIU6 Special Election Endorsed Initiatives Win Big! (Feb 2025)

The Seattle & Burien February Special elections results are in! Seattle’s Prop 1A Passed! Burien’s Measure 1 passed! These pro working people initiatives were moved to the February Special election which historically have low voter turnout but working people were not fooled by the corporate backed opposition.

Proposition 1A passed! More publicly owned and permanently affordable housing will be coming to Seattle. Businesses who pay employees over $1 million dollars a year will now pay a 5% excess payroll compensation tax. 1A will raise approximately $50 million per-year—enough to provide 2000 social housing units to the city over the next 10 years.

Burien’s Measure 1 passed! This measure will raise pay for low-wage workers, bringing Burien’s minimum wage into alignment with neighboring cities Tukwila, Renton, and Seattle.

SEIU6 members like you participate in the Political Organizing Committee and we’d love to see you at the next meeting. Help decide who our union endorses, take political action to improve working conditions, and voice your support for pro worker legislation at every level of government. SEIU6 Executive Board members make the final decision over endorsements.