SEIU6 Seattle & Burien February 2025 Special Election Endorsements

The Seattle & Burien February Special elections are coming up fast. Ballots will start arriving in the mail on January 24th. Endorsements recommendations are made by SEIU6 members like you that participate in the Political Organizing Committee. SEIU6 Executive Board members have final approval over endorsements. The 2025 February Special Election has two important measures endorsed by the Exectutive Board that, if passed, will make concrete, material improvements in the lives of workers.

Proposition 1A creates publicly owned and permanently affordable housing in Seattle. Businesses that pay employees over $1 million dollars a year will pay a 5% excess payroll compensation tax. 1A will raise approximately $50 million per-year—enough to provide 2000 social housing units to the city over the next 10 years.

Members in Burien should vote for Measure 1 because it will actually raise pay for low-wage workers, bringing Burien’s minimum wage into alignment with neighboring cities Tukwila, Renton, and Seattle.