Askale Borena has been cleaning at SeaTac since 1999. She’s an excellent worker, a lead, and she covers multiple routes while her employer, Whayne (currently subcontracted by C&W), is short staffed.
One day in late July was particularly busy. “3 routes were open and I had to cover them all by myself.” She was answering calls from her coworkers when a passenger approached her in baggage claim and told her to clean up a spilled mocha at Starbucks. Askale knew this was outside her area of responsibility, so she stayed on task with her own work.

A few days later, the assistant manager called her to the office and showed her an angry social media post. The passenger had taken Askale’s picture and wrote that she should be fired, then tagged SeaTac Airport. Askale was suspended—without pay.
Luckily, Askale knew what to do: call our union.
SEIU6 flew into action. Within days, Askale had her job back plus backpay for the days she missed. The lesson? Fight back.
”Some people are afraid to speak up,” Askale said. “My side is, I want to fight for my rights. Always fight, because the solution may come up.”