SEIU6 Calendar Of Events
We have monthly and quarterly meetings for members looking to g[..]
Ride the Wave! Recapping the 2018 Election and SEIU6-Endorsed Candidates
The results are in, and certified by the state!
We’re proud to report that of the 56 candidates we endorsed fo[..]
Remembering David Ayala-Zamora
It is with great sadness that the SEIU6 family announces the loss of longtime organizer and mentor David Ayala-Zamora. David p[..]
Midterm Endorsements – Nov 6, 2018
The SEIU6 Executive Board endor[..]
Passenger Service Workers Ratify First Master Contract at SeaTac
Passenger service employees of G2 Secure Staff, ABM Aviation, and Huntleigh voted to unite under one master contract at SeaTac[..]
August 2018 Endorsements
Here are the SEIU6 Executive Board endorsements for the 2018 Primary. You should see your ballot in the mail very soon, if[..]
Contract Negotiations Begin for SeaTac Passenger Service Workers
SeaTac workers made history in 2013 when we joined together to pass Proposition 1, which raised the minimum wage to $15/hour a[..]
Passenger Service Workers Gear Up for Next Contract Fight at Sea-Tac
Wheelchair pushers, baggage handlers, cabin cleaners, and other passenger service providers are part of the cor[..]
Honoring Our Longtime Leaders
Our union is strong because of members who step up, show up, and speak out. We want to honor two of our members who have don[..]