Security Officers

Nearly 5,000 security officers in King County unite to set the bar for good union jobs as part of SEIU6. Since organizing with the Stand for Security movement in the mid-2000s, officers in King County have secured some of the best wages and benefits in the nation. These officers work together to ensure the profession is respected, protected, and paid as security needs rise nationwide.


  • Security Officers Fight for Higher Wages, Healthcare, and Respect

    Contract bargaining is underway for more than 4,000 union security officers in King County. Officers say the pandemic changed the scope of their work, and employers need to step up to retain skilled workers. SEIU6 officers kicked off their contract campaign with a public rally held at West Lake Park on March 18. Officers continue…

  • A Letter from Labor Leaders to Amazon

    The following open letter was emailed to Amazon on July 11, 2019. Dear Messrs. Schoettler, Hogan, and Carney: Congratulations on your recent decision to bring in a responsible contractor for security services at Amazon. This move has the potential to put hundreds of security officers on your campus on a path to success. We applaud…

  • Security Officers on Amazon’s Campus on a Path to Good Union Jobs

    Amazon hires union contractors to replace Security Industry Specialists (SIS) After 7 years of workers calling out issues like racism, harassment, and lack of religious accommodation at SIS, the security officers on Amazon’s campus are ready to welcome to a responsible union contractor. “I’m an SIS security officer & I’ve seen the issues everyone […]

Contract Highlights

We Protect, Show Some Respect

Frequently Asked Questions

Know Your Rights!

Wage Discrepancy Resourses


Do u have a pay discrepancy? Ask your employer for a pay discrepancy form or reachout to our union. #unionstrong #unions #seiu #unionsforall #facts #workersrights #1u #goodjobs #pnw

♬ Sunshine – WIRA

Questions, Comments, Concerns?



Where:3720 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98134

Join us for our last General Membership Meeting of this year to remain updated on the current priorities of the union. You will also be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect yourself and fellow co-workers at your worksite. So connect with fellow union members from different industries as well as your organizer.

If you have any questions please contact our Member Resource Center at 206-448-7348