Know Your Rights: Immigrant Rights Training
Time : 12:30pm
SEIU6 members and loved ones are welcome to join this Know Your Rights training on the topic of immigrant rights. How can we help keep our families and workplaces safe by preparing for encounters with ICE? Find out here with our allies from Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network.
Political Committee Meeting
Time : 11:00 am
Join SEIU6 members for a political discussion of current events and help shape local politics. Topics will include the Special February election, our legislative agenda, and how we can build electoral power over the next four years.
General Membership Meeting
Time : 12:30pm
First general membership meeting of the year! State of the union updates in janitorial, airport, security, stadiums, and more. All SEIU6 members welcome. In person at SEIU6. 3720 Airport Way S, Seattle.
Ballot Party
Time : 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Bring your ballot and learn about local races and ballot initiatives. Ask questions and discuss which candidates are most committed to standing up for working families.
General Membership Meeting
Time : 12:30pm
Quarterly general membership meeting. All SEIU6 members welcome. Updates in janitorial, airport, and security. Political updates on the upcoming elections. In person at SEIU6. 3720 Airport Way S, Seattle.
Political Committee Meeting
Time : 11:00am
Join SEIU6 members for a political discussion of current events this election season. Topics will include the historic nomination of Kamala Harris, primary election results for Washington state, and the Defend Washington campaign.
Justice for Janitors Rally
Time : 11:00am ( Meet at SEIU6 office to Carpool)
On June 21st, SEIU6 janitors will take to the streets for the Justice for Janitors rally. They are ready to fight for LIVABLE WAGES, FULL-FAMILY, EMPLOYER-PAID HEALTHCARE, and RESPECT.
On May 17th, we are coming together to kickoff the 2024 Janitorial campaign and win a strong contract. RSVP to let us know you will be there.
El 17 de mayo, nos uniremos para iniciar la campaña de limpieza de 2024 y ganar un contrato sólido. Confirme su asistencia para informarnos que estará allí.
በሜይ 17፣ የ2024 የጽዳት ዘመቻን ለመጀመር እና ጠንካራ ኮንትራት ለማሸነፍ አብረን እየመጣን ነው። እርስዎ እዚያ እንደሚገኙ ለማሳወቅ መልስ ይስጡ።
Maajo 17-keeda, waxaan isugu nimid inaan bilowno ololaha nadaafadda ee 2024 oo aan ku guuleysano qandaraas xooggan. RSVP noogu sheeg inaad halkaas joogi doonto.
5 月 17 日,我們齊聚一堂,啟動 2024 年清潔活動並贏得強有力的合約。請回覆讓我們知道您會在那裡。
Vào ngày 17 tháng 5, chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau khởi động chiến dịch Janitorial 2024 và giành được một hợp đồng hấp dẫn. Trả lời để cho chúng tôi biết bạn sẽ ở đó.
Time : 11:00am ( Meet at SEIU6 office to Carpool)
We don’t want to STRIKE.
But we will if we have to!
Let’s get ready.
When we fight, we win!
Time : 11:00am ( Meet at SEIU6 office to Carpool)
SEIU6 union janitors have fought for decades to raise wages, benefits, and safety standards for janitors in King County—and we’re not going backward. This Valentine’s Day, let’s say no to non-union and, continue to protect the standards of our industry and demand safe working conditions and respect for all.
When we fight, we win!
Fight for $15 10 Year Anniversary Celebration
***Location update*** Amsterdam Room
Ten years ago, SEIU6 members at SeaTac Airport—wheelchair agents, cabin cleaners, baggage handlers, and more—won the nation’s first Fight for $15.
Please join us on Thursday, November 30 at SeaTac Airport while we honor the workers who united across race, religion, country of origin, and language to make this dream come true.
Janitors who clean the medical dental building used to have good union jobs. Now they have Synergy Building Services, a non-union employer who erased the wages and benefits–like full-family-employer-paid health insurance–that union janitors have fought for for decades.
Tell Medical-Dental to do the right thing and bring back a responsible union contractor!
Janitors, security officers + airport workers —bring your best ghost story from the night shift! Costume Contest! All are welcome.
Join us for our last General Membership Meeting of this year to remain updated on the current priorities of the union. You will also be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect yourself and fellow co-workers at your worksite. So connect with fellow union members from different industries as well as your organizer.
If you have any questions please contact our Member Resource Center at 206-448-7348
Join us for our third General Membership Meeting of this year to remain updated on the current priorities of the union. You will also be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect yourself and fellow co-workers at your worksite. So connect with fellow union members from different industries as well as your organizer.
If you have any questions please contact our Member Resource Center at 206-448-7348
509 Olive St, Seattle WA
Seattle janitors have organized for decades to raise industry standards. Non-union companies like Synergy Building Services offer less—no employer paid full family medical & dental, no collective bargaining agreement, no voice on the job.
Join us on May Day at 509 Olive Way in downtown Seattle for the Inflating of the Rat, in which we let Synergy know that janitors deserve better.
Join us for our second General Membership Meeting of this year to remain updated on the current priorities of the union. You will also be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect yourself and fellow co-workers at your worksite. So connect with fellow union members from different industries as well as your organizer.
For the zoom details and any questions please contact our Member Resource Center at 206-448-7348 or your organizer.
509 Olive St, Seattle WA
Join us for a street theater production called ‘Doctor, Doctor, I Have No Medical!’ created by our Worker Power School.
The play is a creative reimagining of the real-life problems non-union companies like Synergy Building Services heap on the backs of janitors, like poor healthcare, abusive workloads, and no voice on the job…A must-see for anyone who cares about the Medical Dental Building or just basic human rights.
When we fight, we win!
If you have any questions please contact our Member Resource Center at 206-448-7348 or your organizer.
Join us for our first General Membership Meeting of this year to remain updated on the current priorities of the union. You will also be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect yourself and fellow co-workers at your worksite. So connect with fellow union members from different industries as well as your organizer.
For the zoom details and any questions please contact our Member Resource Center at 206-448-7348 or your organizer.
Join SEIU6 Security Officers as we demand that security employers RESPECT US, PROTECT US, and PAY US this contract cycle. We won’t stop until we win a fair contract.
NB: Meet @SEIU6 11:30am to carpool
3720 Airport Way S
Security Officers Contract Rally
SEIU6 union security officers are holding a kick-off rally for the 2022 security contract campaign. Join us as we fight for respect, better pay and protections.
- RESPECT to ensure a fair workplace free of all forms of discrimination, retaliation and bullying
- STRONGER PROTECTIONS including training for volatile situations and protection against employer exploitation
- HIGHER WAGES because security is hard, skilled, dangerous work
Janitors Speak Out on Repetitive Motion Injuries
SEIU6 union janitors support HB 1837. Join us for an important discussion about workplace safety, preventable injuries and the new proposed state law HB 1837
Contract Negotiations Begins for SeaTac Passenger Service Workers
SeaTac workers made history in 2013 when we joined together to pass Proposition 1, which raised the minimum wage to $15/hour and ensured union rights at the airport. We not only sparked a national movement for higher wages, we also raised the standards for our families and our communities. Money that would have gone to the top in profits would now stay in the hands of the workers.
SeaTac passenger service workers are key to our region’s economy. In 2017, passenger service workers:
- Served nearly 47 million passengers arriving and departing on 416,124 aircraft
- Contributed an estimated $22.5 billion in economic activity in Washington State
- Created an estimated $274 million in economic activity in the City of Tukwila
- Contributed an estimated $138 million in economic activity in the City of Burien