Tag: front banner
October 12, 2018
Midterm Endorsements – Nov 6, 2018
Click for a larger image of the endorsements, or scroll below for the endorsements in text.
The SEIU6 Executive Board endor[..]
July 23, 2018
August 2018 Endorsements
Here are the SEIU6 Executive Board endorsements for the 2018 Primary. You should see your ballot in the mail very soon, if[..]
June 22, 2018
Contract Negotiations Begin for SeaTac Passenger Service Workers
SeaTac workers made history in 2013 when we joined together to pass Proposition 1, which raised the minimum wage to $15/hour a[..]
May 21, 2018
Honoring Our Longtime Leaders
Our union is strong because of members who step up, show up, and speak out. We want to honor two of our members who have don[..]
April 30, 2018
Security Officers Win Industry-Leading Contract
After a busy three months of organizing and bargaining, the hard work paid off as SEIU6 union security officers voted on Thurs[..]
January 30, 2018
Washington’s New Paid Sick Leave Law
Good news for Washington workers: paid sick leave is now protected by law. As of January 1st, 2018, workers in Washi[..]