Tag: Union news
Port of Seattle Commission Issues Proclamation In Favor of Healthcare for All Airport Workers
On May 23, 2023, the Port of Seattle Commission issued a proclamation in support of quality jobs for all SeaTac work[..]
Airport Workers win Backpay at Whayne; Nearly $70,000 in Wages Recovered
SeaTac janitors working for Whayne Enterprises noticed a pay discrepancy earlier this year and notified our union. SEIU6 carr[..]
Project Help Aids Workers in Navigating Workers Comp
This fall, Project Help came to SEIU6 and led workshops in English and Spanish to catch SEIU6 members up on the basics of fili[..]
SEIU6 Welcomes Political Director Sandra Touissant
Meet Sandra Toussaint, SEIU6’s new Political Director. Sandra comes to SEIU6 after serving as a Lobbyist with AFSCME Cou[..]
SEIU6 Grievance Committee Tackles Contract Violations
By SEIU6 Security Officer & Grievance Committee Member Ceci Hooks
A grievance is a formal complaint against an e[..]
Sea-Tac Airport Workers Push for Healthcare
Sea-Tac passenger service workers ratified strong new contracts over the summer, with increased paid time off and new mechanis[..]
Minimum Wage Increase for Sea-Tac Passenger Service Workers
Effective January 1, 2023, the minimum wage in Sea-Tac will be the highest in the nation. Passenger service workers will see t[..]
SEIU6 Endorsements: November 8 General Election
The SEIU6 Political Committee recommends the following endorsements, approved by the SEIU6 Executive Board.
Airport Workers Speak Out on a Challenging Travel Season
SEIU6 passenger service workers spoke to the Seattle Times about the challenges they faced over the winter holidays[..]