As an SEIU6 member, you have the right to Union protection and representation as guaranteed by your contract. If you have any questions about your rights, contact the Member Resource Center.
All employees Can:
- Openly join, support, and organize for the union
- Distribute and receive union literature
- Wear SEIU buttons and stickers
- Take part in collective steps to improve your wages and working conditions
- Exercise the right of free speech –
If you are permitted to talk about community and social activities at work, you can talk about the union as long as it doesn’t interfere with the normal flow of work - Attend union meetings
- File grievances for violations of the contract
- Ask your colleagues to attend a meeting or take part in other union activities
Management can’t:
- Discriminate against us for supporting or being a member of the union
- Prevent us from distributing union literature as long as work is not interrupted
- Prevent us from wearing union buttons
- Threaten us with job loss, reduction in pay or reduced promotional opportunities because we support the union
- Interfere with our rights to free speech
- Take part in union business
- Permit other unions or organizations to solicit or distribute literature in work areas while denying us that same right
- Question our feelings about the union
Weingarten Rights
Weingarten rights give workers the right to have a steward present in some circumstances “when a supervisor asks for information that could be used as a basis for discipline.” If your supervisor or manager calls you into a meeting to investigate a situation at work, you may need Union representation.
Learn more
Grievance Procedure
If you believe your rights have been violated on the job, you may file a grievance with your employer. Your contract has the terms of the grievance procedure the Union has negotiated. You must try to meet the requirements of each step within the specified time limits.